
What is a communication device?

Communication equipment, English abbreviation ICD, full name Industrial Communication Device. Wired communication equipment and wireless communication equipment for industrial control environment. 

Wired communication equipment mainly introduces serial communication in industrial field, professional bus communication, industrial Ethernet communication and conversion equipment between various communication protocols, including routers, switches, modem and other equipment. So routers and switches are a kind of communication equipment. 

Wireless communication equipment mainly includes wireless AP, wireless bridge, wireless network card, wireless lightning arrester, antenna and other equipment. Communications also include military and civil communications. China's three major communications operators are mobile communications, Unicom communications and telecommunications communications. 

The biggest advantage of wired communication equipment is strong anti-interference, high stability, certain confidentiality, fast transmission rate and infinite bandwidth. However, wired communication is greatly affected by the environment, weak expansibility, attenuation, difficult construction, poor mobility and high cost. 

The biggest advantage of wireless communication equipment is the environment, which does not need to be restricted by the line and has certain mobility. It can communicate through wireless connection in the mobile state, and the construction difficulty is low and the cost is low. However, the wireless communication equipment has the advantages of weak anti-interference, slow transmission rate, limited bandwidth, limited transmission distance and low cost.